"Rules" by Cynthia Lord follows the story of Catherine, a girl who helps her brother, David, who has autism, navigate through social interactions by creating a list of rules for him. The plot diagram includes exposition (introduction of characters and setting), rising action (Catherine's struggles with her own friendships and understanding her brother's needs), climax (Catherine realizing the importance of acceptance and empathy), falling action (her growing bond with David and making new friends), and resolution (Catherine's personal growth and understanding of what truly matters).
http://prezi.com/l_blz7fwlu9a/lather-and-nothing-else-plot-diagram/ http://prezi.com/mvjwf2ck6ovk/copy-of-lather-and-nothing-else-plot-diagram/ http://prezi.com/l_blz7fwlu9a/lather-and-nothing-else-plot-diagram/
A plot diagram.
What is the exposition of the movie Despicable Me on a plot
You need to know the luminosity and temperature of star in order to plot it on the HR diagram.
to organzie things
The highest point on a plot diagram represents the climax of the story. This is the moment of greatest tension and conflict, where the outcome of the main character's struggle becomes clear.
Here's a good link!
klaudia sommer
those are the EXACT stories i have in my exam:s but i dont have a plot diagram
No, a plot is a noun. To plot is a verb.