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I can't remember the names of the hero and heroine. I believe the heroine is Scottish from Edinburgh. The baby is her mother's, who had recently died. The baby isn't actually the hero's; it is his uncle's but they go through the whole book believing the baby to be his. The reason the hero think's the baby is his is because he was at a house party and remembered doing something he regretted. It turns out what he did is pee in a plant. The uncle was a captain of a ship or just away at sea. I don't really remember anything else. Can someone please help me?

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6mo ago

The book you're referring to is "The Day of the Duchess" by Sarah MacLean. The heroine, Seraphina, arrives at the hero Malcolm's door in the middle of the night with a baby that she claims is his, but is actually his uncle's.

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Q: What is the name of the book where the heroine shows up on the hero's door during the night with a baby she says is his but is his uncle's?
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