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The literary term for giving inanimate objects human qualities is personification. This technique helps to bring objects to life and create vivid and imaginative descriptions in the writing.

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Q: What is the literature term for giving inanimate objects human qualities?
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What is pesonifieation?

Personification is the giving of human qualities to inanimate objects.

Which figure of speech gives inanimate objects or ideas humanlike qualities?

"Personification" is the term for giving inanimate objects or ideas human characteristics.

He hissed at her like a snake is that a personification?

No it is an example of a simile. Personification is giving animals or inanimate objects human qualities, ex: the mountain breathed with the trees.

What is the definiton of personification?

giving an inanimate object qualities of a living thing

Is a personification is when you make a strong exaggeration?

No, personification is when human characteristics are attributed to non-human objects or animals. It involves giving inanimate objects or animals human-like qualities to help readers better understand or relate to them in literature.

What is personification and onomatopoeia?

Personification is giving an inanimate object human qualities. An onomatopoeia is a word that imitates a sound.

What does persmification mean?

Personification is a literary device where human qualities are attributed to something non-human, such as animals, objects, or abstract concepts. It can be used to make descriptions more vivid and engaging by giving inanimate objects or animals human-like characteristics.

Can you say the isolated forest is green as grass is it personification?

No, as a personification is giving an inanimate object human-like qualities.

What does presonifictation mean in poems'?

giving an inanimate object human like qualities. "The sun smiled upon me." is personification.

What is the attribution of the human charectericstics to inanmate objects?

The attribution of human characteristics to inanimate objects is known as anthropomorphism. This involves giving human traits, emotions, or intentions to things that are not human, such as animals, deities, or objects. This concept is often used in storytelling, art, and literature to create relatable or engaging narratives.

What is personification in the bad beginning?

Personification in "The Bad Beginning" refers to giving human traits or qualities to inanimate objects or abstract concepts. An example of personification in the book might be describing the storm clouds roaring angrily or the wind whispering secrets.