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The indirect object is "you" in the sentence "What gave you the idea for your story?" It indicates to whom the idea was given or for whom the idea was intended.

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Q: What is the indirect object of What gave you the idea for your story?
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What is the indirect object of this sentence What gave you the idea for the story?

the story.

Subject verb indirect object and direct object more example?

The girl/ gave/ him/ a book. The monkey/ showed/ her/ his bottom. The cactus/ gave/ them/ an idea. Subject / Verb / Indirect object / Direct object. You can check that these are indirect objects by testing whether you can put 'to' in front of them without altering the meaning. The girl/ gave/ to him/ a book. subject verb direct object

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The idea that gave a seed for the story.

Is it a subject pronoun or a direct object?

A subject pronoun is a pronoun that performs the action in a sentence, while a direct object pronoun receives the action of the verb. Subject pronouns include I, you, he, she, it, we, and they, while direct object pronouns include me, you, him, her, it, us, and them.

What is the function of The compliment in the gorilla in the cage have me a chilling look?

Indirect Object. (LOOK)----Direct object (ME)-----Indirect object A+LS (:

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Is an object a noun?

An object (direct object, indirect object, and object of a preposition) can be a noun, a pronoun, or an adjective.EXAMPLESobject noun: Mary bakes bread to relax. (the noun 'bread' is the direct object of the verb 'bakes')object pronoun: Mary made you some bread. (the pronoun 'you' is the indirect object of the verb 'made')object adjective: This bread smells great. (the adjective 'great' is the object of the verb 'smells')

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not quite sure- but there is a small story that a caveman found a rock that rolled and that gave him the idea of the wheel-and the rest is history

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the story of theseus and the menotar (you know the bull/human thing ) the story of the menotar is from old greek myths

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your mom gave him the idea

Is a segment an idea and not a physical object?

it is a idea

What is the message to a story?

The main idea of the story. The main idea is what is focused mostly on in the story or paragraph.