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In "Perfect" by Natasha Friend, the falling action involves the resolution of Laura's struggles with her eating disorder and her journey towards self-acceptance and friendship. The falling action sees Laura making positive changes in her life, repairing her relationships with her family and friends, and gaining a better understanding of herself and her struggles. Ultimately, the falling action showcases Laura's growth and transformation as she begins to heal and move forward.

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Q: What is the falling action of perfect by Natasha friend?
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Is there figurative language in Perfect by Natasha Friend?

Yes, "Perfect" by Natasha Friend contains figurative language such as similes, metaphors, and personification to enhance the storytelling and provide deeper meaning to the characters' experiences.

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The book "Perfect" by Natasha Friend takes place in Boston, Massachusetts. It follows the story of a girl named Isabelle who is dealing with her father's death and her friend's eating disorder.

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The main characters in the book "Perfect" by Natasha Friend are Isabelle Warren, her best friend Ashley and her family - her mother, father, and younger sister. The story revolves around Isabelle's struggle with body image, friendships, and family dynamics.

What genre is the book perfect by natasha friend?

The book "Perfect" by Natasha Friend falls under the genre of young adult fiction. It deals with themes of friendship, body image, and self-acceptance.

Does Isabelle stop being bulimic at the end of the book Perfect by Natasha Friend?

Yes, in the book "Perfect" by Natasha Friend, Isabelle does eventually overcome her struggle with bulimia by seeking help and support from her family and friends. The novel depicts her journey towards recovery and self-acceptance.

The sum of the book Perfect by Natasha Friend?

In this book she does not die. If you really want to know how the book ends than why don't you read it.(:

What is Natasha Friend's birthday?

US author Natasha Friend was born April 28, 1972.

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The falling action is when jamal hicks decides he wants to return the gun back to randy's friend mack.

What is the climax in Bounce by Natasha friend?

The book Perfect by Natasha Friend deals with a young girl's struggle with an eating disorder. The climax of the story occurs when the main character realizes that group therapy has helped her to cope with her father's death, and that the other people in group are coping with problems of their own that also manifest in eating disorders.

Is natasha a good friend?

yes, she is soo sweet!