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Observation is what you see; interpretation is how you see it. Example, you see an object (observation) and you describe what it looks like to you (interpretation).

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6mo ago

Observation is the act of noting or perceiving something using the senses, while interpretation involves assigning meaning or significance to those observations based on one's understanding, beliefs, or context. Observation is objective and based on direct sensory input, while interpretation can be subjective and influenced by personal biases or experiences.

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Q: What is the difference between observation and interpretation?
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Inference is a logical interpretation. Observation is using your senses.

What is the difference between interpretation and observation?

An interpretation is a view or opinion on something. An observation is a fact, for example "The kingfisher holds the fish away from himself." Whereas an interpretation would be "The kingfisher holds the fish away from himself because it's for a mate."

How should you distinguish between observation and interpretation?

A simple way to describe this would be, an observation is what you see, and an interpretation is what you conclude about what you have seen. OR An observation is a fact, something your senses detect happening while an interpretation is what you make of it by what you have sensed with your senses.

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