dynamic ones are like the leading or main characs, but static, or flat characs r just for background purposes. a flat one can be like a passerby, or someone else of very little importance, whereas the dynamic one is like Harry Potter, a main character.
A round character is a character that is well developed, they are often main characters while flat characters are characters that are underdeveloped and just usually fill the story.
one is normel and one is flat
A Round Character
There isn't that big of a difference between round and flat characters. For example, both are needed for the story to go on. The differences between them are that the author does not go that in depth when describing flat characters. Also, flat characters don't show as much emotion as round characters do. Lastly, the reader tends to know a lot more about a round character's personality. As stated in the article Weedflower written by Cynthia Kathoda "Sumiko stared at him then shocked herself by bursting into tears. Sumiko is a perfect example of a round character because she shows deep emotion. To conclude, round characters tend to be main characters while flat characters are usually side characters.
Round character - a complicated hero; flat character - the hero's simple sidekick
No, Athena is not a flat character. She actually is a round character.
Roger is a flat character and also dynamic but Mrs. Jones is a round Character.
a lollipop is flat a sucker is round .there is really not a difference though
a round character is a character in a story that changes his/her personality or actions as the story unfolds. a flat character is the opposite. (:
he is a round character