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To betray someone is to be disloyal to a country, person, group or other organization by acting in such a way to benefit the opposition. You are in effect revealing yourself against the will and desire of someone else. One such famous betrayal occurred in World War II, when Adolf Hitler and Joseph Stalin signed the Nazi-Soviet non-aggression pact, effectively starting the war. Hitler later betrayed Stalin, by breaking the pact and declaring war on the Soviet Union in an attempt to expand German "lebensraum."

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3mo ago

Betrayed means to be deceived, lied to, or let down by someone you trusted or had faith in. It involves breaking a promise or commitment, resulting in feelings of hurt, disappointment, or disloyalty.

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EXAMPLES: why have you betray me luke or betray me i betrey u (and 4 betrayed) he or she betrayed me in a geme or something this is just an example.

What is the definition of betrayed?

"Betrayed" is the past participle of the verb "to betray". If you have been trusted to do something and you went and did the opposite, you have betrayed whoever was trusting in you. If a man trusts his wife to be faithful to him and she cheats on him, she has betrayed him. If a person trusts a lawyer to keep his money safe and the lawyer steals it, he has betrayed his client. If a person trusts a doctor with embarrassing personal information, trusting her to keep it secret, and she tells other people, she has betrayed her patient's confidentiality. If a man joins the army of his country and then gives military secrets to the enemy, he has betrayed his country.Sometimes when the betrayal is the disclosure of secrets, we say "he betrayed the secret" instead of "he betrayed the person who confided in him".

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He will take revenge on us for having betrayed him.

How do you say betrayed in Punjabi?

Dhoka Dena is the Punjabi version of betrayed. It is a hard feeling if the meaning is seen. The word Dhoka is equivalent to Betrayal.

How do you write the word betray in a sentence?

"you just did", says the person before me. That was a QUESTION, not a SENTENCE. Betray means to be disloyal to someone, so you can say, they betrayed him, or he betrayed me.

What is an example of a sentence using the word betrayed?

An example is: My friend betrayed me by telling someone my secret. Betrayed means to decieve someone or to be disloyal. You dont wanna be a betrayer because those people are not very good people. That is betrayed and an example of a sentence using it. If you have any questions for me , post them on

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The definition of something describes exactly what the word is and how the word can be used. You will also see synonyms for the word and if the word is a noun or adjective when viewing the definition.

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