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A "Man v. Man" Conflict in Literature would mean two physical beings, one the Protagonist, and the other the Antagonist. A good example would be the relationship between Harry Potter and the Dark Lord Voldemort.

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6mo ago

"Man vs man" conflict involves a struggle between two or more characters. "Man vs society" conflict involves a struggle against societal norms or expectations. "Man vs self" conflict is an inner struggle within a character, often involving their own emotions or decisions.

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12y ago

It's just what it sounds like. This is a story of a person fighting inside their mind -- perhaps fighting bad habits or bad choices. Maybe they are addicted to something or have a really dark part of themselves, like Dexter in the mystery stories.

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11y ago

it is when man is against itself in some way

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Q: What is the conflict man vs man man vs society man vs socirty man v. self?
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Man vs Man, Man vs Nature, Man vs Self, Man vs Society.

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Yes, a man vs. fate conflict is an external conflict. The only internal conflict there is is a man vs. self conflict. Other external conflicts include man vs. man, man vs. society, and man vs. nature.

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Man vs self,Man vs Man, Man vs. Society, Man vs. Fate, internal, and external

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What is conflict in a story?

A conflict is a problem that helps move a story along.the conflict in the story is the problem that happens in the story

What are the meanings of the five types of conflict?

The five types of conflict are: man vs. self (internal conflict within a character), man vs. man (conflict between two or more characters), man vs. society (conflict between a character and societal norms or expectations), man vs. nature (conflict between a character and the natural world), and man vs. fate (conflict between a character and their destiny or circumstances beyond their control).

What are aristotle's 4 types of conflict?

Aristotle identified four types of conflict: man vs. self, man vs. man, man vs. nature, and man vs. society. These conflicts are commonly used in storytelling to create tension and drive the plot forward.

What is literary conflict?

Literary conflict refers to the struggle or tension between characters or opposing forces in a story. This conflict drives the plot forward and creates interest for the reader. It can manifest in various forms such as man vs. man, man vs. self, man vs. nature, and man vs. society.

What are the types of conflict?

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What is the literary definition of man vs. man?

There are many different types of conflict. One of them is man vs man which means a conflict in between 2 people. Other literary conflicts are man vs nature, man vs society, man vs technology, and man vs self to name a few.