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In the beginning of "Just Ella," the conflict arises from Ella's desire for a life beyond the constraints of a traditional fairy tale where she is expected to marry Prince Charming and live happily ever after. She longs for independence and to be in control of her own destiny.

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Q: What is the conflict in the begging of the story in just ella?
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Where is the setting time and place for the story just ella?

"Just Ella" is a retelling of the Cinderella story, written by Margaret Peterson Haddix. The setting is a fictional kingdom, and the time period is a mix of medieval and modern elements. The story takes place in a palace and follows Ella as she navigates the challenges of court life and expectations of royalty.

Is Just Ella and Palace of Mirrors by Margaret Peterson a series?

NO just ella is just another book totally different and palace of mirrors is a whole different story it is not in a series:-( but it sould be

What time period does ella live in in the book just ella?

The novel Just Ella by Margaret Peterson Haddix's time period is during traditional medieval times. However, there are no specific years in which it took place! S1h1a2m1n1

What is a conflict of a story?

The conflict of each story is usually found at the middle of the story. It is wherein problem arises. The story will end after the conflict is resolved.

What central conflict means?

Central conflict is the part of the story that leads to the climaxand then just describes what is going on.

What is the problem in Just Ella?

What is the problem for the book Just Ella?

When was Just Ella created?

Just Ella was created in 1999.

Does a conflict happen in the beginning of a story?

The conflict happens whenever you want. Conflict just means what happens to thwart the characters when they try to reach their goals.

Which of these definitions describes the central conflict?

Central conflict is the part of the story that leads to the climaxand then just describes what is going on.

What is the conflict all about?

the conflict in any story is what the problem is, it's what makes the story interesting because the reader wants to find out how the main character solves the problem, without a conflict, the writer is just writing about nothing, and it wouldn't be very interesting.

The events that take place in a story make up the story's?

I think you are referring to the story's 'conflict'. This is generally introduced after the establishment of the setting and initial characterization. This conflict, or, problem in the story, is the vehicle through which the characters interact. The conflict is ultimately resolved in the 'climax' of the story.

Does the Palace of Mirrors by Margaret Peterson Haddix have a series?

Palace of Mirrors by Margaret Peterson Haddix does not belong to a series, but could be considered a sequel. The story contain references to a previous story by Mrs. Haddix; Just Ella. The two stories takes place in two countries that have been at war with each other for a long time. The two stories meet when Ella, the heroine of Just Ella, is confided in by the Princess who wants to know what to do with Cecilia.