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In â??The Necklaceâ??, Mathilde feels she has been short changed in life by her marriage and knows the rich life she craves is outside of her range. She comes across a beautiful necklace and decides to wear it, living her wealth fantasy for once. However, she loses it and then, along with her husband, has to repay the cost by using their inheritance and slaving away for ten years to pay for her moments of fantasy.

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Mohammad Gaylord

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βˆ™ 2y ago
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βˆ™ 5mo ago

The conflict in "The Necklace" by Guy de Maupassant arises from Mathilde Loisel's desire for a lavish lifestyle despite her humble means. When she borrows a diamond necklace and loses it, she and her husband are forced to work for years to repay the debt, only to find out later that the lost necklace was actually a fake.

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βˆ™ 10y ago

In â??The Necklaceâ??, Mathilde feels she has been short changed in life by her marriage and knows the rich life she craves is outside of her range. She comes across a beautiful necklace and decides to wear it, living her wealth fantasy for once. However, she loses it and then, along with her husband, has to repay the cost by using their inheritance and slaving away for ten years to pay for her moments of fantasy.

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βˆ™ 14y ago

Man vs. Self

Mathilde is greedy, and wants to be something she's not, which leads her to do things that are wrong, like borrowing 400 francs to buy a dress to go to the ball with, and not accepting to go to the ball without an expensive necklace, so she can be the same "class" as the other women. With all these wrong decisions she looses the necklace she borrows from a rich friend of hers, and wastes 10 years of her life trying to re-buy a new one for her friend, and at the end it turns out to be a fake necklace.

That's kinda also half the summary, but it can work as conflict too...

-Kareem El Azhary

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βˆ™ 13y ago

Mainly internal and psychological. it is never explained why MMe Loisel never reports the loss to her husband ( she is a married woman), the police , or simply picks up the invention of M. Alexander Bell and calls MMe Forestier ( which means Forester) and simply detached- tells the whole story. if she took this course , she would have saved $64,000 Dollars and a nightmare social crash. It is NOT- as I recall specifically stated in the story- exactly How the item was lost. It was not a mugging or theft.

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βˆ™ 13y ago

Man v. Self

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Q: What is the conflict from the story the necklace?
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What is the resolution of the conflict in the necklace?

In "The Necklace" by Guy de Maupassant, the resolution occurs when Mathilde discovers that the necklace she borrowed was actually a fake and not a real diamond necklace she thought she lost. This revelation serves as the climax of the story, highlighting the theme of appearances versus reality and the consequences of vanity and greed. Ultimately, the conflict is resolved when Mathilde and her husband work hard for ten years to pay off the debt incurred to replace the necklace.

What is the main conflict in the story the nacklace?

The main conflict in "The Necklace" by Guy de Maupassant is both internal and external. The external conflict revolves around Mathilde Loisel's desire to appear wealthy and elegant, leading her to borrow a diamond necklace to wear to a party. The internal conflict arises when she loses the necklace and struggles with the consequences of her actions.

What is the type of conflict in the story The Diamond necklace?

The type of conflict in "The Diamond Necklace" is primarily internal. Mathilde struggles with her feelings of dissatisfaction and envy, leading her to make choices that ultimately have negative consequences.

How Maupassant uses deliberate ambiguity to create tension and conflict in The Necklace?

Maupassant uses deliberate ambiguity in "The Necklace" by leaving the reader unsure of Mathilde's true motives and feelings, leading to tension and conflict. By keeping the value and authenticity of the necklace vague, he creates doubt and suspense around its significance. This ambiguity ultimately heightens the impact of the story's twist ending.

What did Mathilde lose in the story the necklace?

Mme.forestier's necklace

What is the title of the short story the necklace?

The title of the short story is "The Necklace" by Guy de Maupassant.

What role does the diamond necklace play in the story by guy de maupassant?

role of the diamond necklace in the story

Is the necklace story true in titantic?

The story of the "Heart of the Ocean" necklace in the movie Titanic is fictional and was created for the film's narrative. There is no historical evidence that such a necklace or similar story existed on the actual Titanic.

Rising action the story mats?

In the short story "The Necklace" by Guy de Maupassant, the rising action occurs when Mathilde borrows a necklace from her friend Madame Forestier to wear to a fancy party. After losing the necklace, Mathilde and her husband go into debt to replace it, leading to years of hardship and financial struggle. This rising action sets the stage for the conflict and resolution of the story.

What role does the diamond necklece play in the story?

what role does the diamond necklace play in the story oof the diamond necklace

What is the resolution of the conflict in the diamond necklace?

the pek pek is masarap

What is the theme of the story of the necklace?
