The conclusion of a short story titled "Wicked Woman" typically reveals the resolution of the conflict or dilemma faced by the main character. This may involve a twist ending, character development, or a moral lesson that is conveyed through the story's events.
The title of Anne's short story is Ellen the fairy
No. The conclusion is the end of the story -- what happens after the climax. The plot summary is a short re-telling of the entire story.
"The Dead" is a short story written by James Joyce and was first published in 1914 as part of his collection of short stories titled "Dubliners."
"The Rockpile" is a short story written by James Baldwin. It was first published in 1965 as part of his collection of short stories titled "Going to Meet the Man."
The short story "The Body" by Stephen King is included in the collection titled "Different Seasons."
Gregorio Brillantes titled his short story "The Distance to Andromeda" because the story explores themes of longing, distance, and unreachable dreams. Andromeda, a galaxy outside our own, symbolizes a sense of unattainability and the vast distance between desires and reality.
"The Crop" is a short story written by Flannery O'Connor and was first published in 1956 as part of her collection of stories titled "A Good Man is Hard to Find."
"The Dead Man" is a short story written by Australian author Desmond Hogan. It was first published in 1983 in his collection of short stories titled "A Farewell to Prague."
Dark they were and Golden eyed.
"The Box" is based on the short story "Button, Button" by Richard Matheson, which was first published in 1970. The story explores moral dilemmas and the consequences of making difficult choices.
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The comedy short titled, "Titanic II" (2002) is a satire of the film.