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The point of view in "One Mile of Ice" is first person, as the speaker is sharing their personal experiences and perspective directly with the reader. The story is told from the viewpoint of the narrator, allowing readers to connect more intimately with their thoughts and emotions.

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Q: What is the Point of view in one mile of ice?
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what is third person limited point of view ?

A story's point of view when the narrator tells only what one character thinks and feels.

Romeo and Juliet point of view?

Romeo and Juliet, at least the one written by Shakespeare, is a play. The point of view is the point of view of the audience watching the play. Terms used to describe the point of view of a narrator in a story or novel are inappropriate to plays.

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Assuming you mean "POINT of view," a point of view is a certain perspective one might see an aspect of life, most commonly an issue or controversial topic. My point of view, for example, may not be the same as your opinion. A point of view is similar to an opinion.

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