In "Cast Two Shadows" by Ann Rinaldi, the external conflict revolves around the protagonist's struggle with the societal expectations and restrictions placed upon her as a young woman in the 19th century. Charlotte faces challenges such as navigating a patriarchal society, dealing with family dynamics, and encountering historical events that impact her life.
external conflict
Cast Two Shadows was created in 1998.
The ISBN of The Man Who Cast Two Shadows is 9780399140648.
The Man Who Cast Two Shadows was created in 1995.
he is an importain person in the book because he is the one who starts conflict to the main character
The Man Who Cast Two Shadows has 278 pages.
The ISBN of Cast Two Shadows is 0-15-200881-0.
The definition for external conflict is a struggle between two characters. It can be a struggle between a character and an outside force.
Internal and External
Cast and form shadows: -Cast shadows are just typical shadows that are created when light is blocked by an object. -Form shadows are the shadows that are on the object and away from the light source. Usually, in painting, cast shadows are used to give an object a more realistic and 3D look to them.
Cast and form shadows: -Cast shadows are just typical shadows that are created when light is blocked by an object. -Form shadows are the shadows that are on the object and away from the light source. Usually, in painting, cast shadows are used to give an object a more realistic and 3D look to them.
Main internal conflicts are that she struggles with inside feelings, not feeling like she belongs because she casts two shadows being half white and black. She doesn't know her families history and she is stained with the image of her friend Kit being hanged.