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Jet Bombers come and completely destroy it.

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In "Fahrenheit 451," the City car service is a self-driving robotic vehicle that transports people to their desired locations. The car is programmed to follow a specific route and operates independently without the need for human intervention. It is a part of the futuristic, technology-driven society depicted in the novel.

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The city's name is Elm City.

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Q: What is the City car service in Fahrenheit 451?
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What happened to clarrise in Fahrenheit 451?

She gets run over by a car

How close was the car that missed Montag in Fahrenheit 451?

In the book it says the car was about a sixteenth of an inch from hitting him.

What has happened to Clarisse in the Fahrenheit 451?

Clarisse died, she was hit by a car although nobody is completely sure how she died.

Who came after Montag in a car Fahrenheit 451?

A group of men chasing Montag in a car was led by a man named Captain Beatty. Beatty pursues Montag in the car to capture and stop him from escaping.

Does Guy Montag die in Fahrenheit 451?

It gives an indication that his wife dies, so it seems to be the the book, and if u did and are just wondering no all she did was leave Montag and drive away speeding in her car and the book never says anything else about her

Who all died in the book Fahrenheit 451?

In the book "Fahrenheit 451" by Ray Bradbury, several characters die, including Clarisse McClellan, who is hit by a speeding car, and Mildred Montag's friends who are killed in the nuclear bombing. Captain Beatty is killed by Montag, and it is implied that many other people die in the war that occurs towards the end of the story.

What are beetles in Fahrenheit 451?

In Fahrenheit 451, beetles serve as a form of comfort and escape for the characters. They symbolize nature and free thought in a world where books are banned and technology prevails. The discovery of the preserved beetles sparks a sense of wonder, curiosity, and possibility in the protagonist, Guy Montag.

Where can I get the cheapest car service in New York city?

You should try the New York City Car Service. Their website may not be flashy, but their service is good and it's the cheapest in the city. Give the Carmel Limo Service a call. They have Limos and cars and their prices are great.

What happen to Clarisse in fahrenheit 451?

In "Fahrenheit 451," Clarisse is killed in a hit-and-run accident by a speeding car. Her death deeply affects the protagonist, Guy Montag, and serves as a catalyst for his inner transformation and awakening. Clarisse's curious and carefree nature symbolizes a contrasting worldview to the oppressive society depicted in the novel.

What happened to Glorias husband in Fahrenheit 451?

In "Fahrenheit 451," Gloria's husband is killed by the Mechanical Hound after being mistaken for Montag, the protagonist. The Hound's mistake leads to a chain of events that ultimately sets Montag on a path of rebellion against the oppressive society in which he lives.

What is the cheapest rate one can get from Dial 7 luxury car service in New York City?

The cheapest rate one can get from Dial 7 luxury car service in New York City is $30 depending on the destination, other car services in the city are: Ritz Carlton, Empire CLS, Automotive Luxury.