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its the other in wich the events happened x)

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5mo ago

"To Kill a Mockingbird" follows a non-linear structure, but the events occur over a few years in the 1930s in Maycomb, Alabama. The story begins with Scout recalling events from her childhood and then moves back and forth between different time frames, leading up to the trial of Tom Robinson and its aftermath.

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Q: What is the Chronological Order of To Kill a Mockingbird?
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There are 31 chapters in "To Kill a Mockingbird".

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To Kill a Mockingbird was directed by Robert Mulligan.

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Who wrote how To Kill a Mockingbird?

How To Kill a Mockingbird was a flash animation by Anthony Scodary and Nico Benitez.How to Kill a Mockingbird was also a film written by Joe Sweet.Neither should be confused with the classic book To Kill a Mockingbird, which was written by Harper Lee.