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He helped Romeo and Juliet by "marrying" them. He also helped by giving the potion to Juliet to put her into a death-like sleep. Unfortunately, both of these ways that Friar "helped" ended up backfiring, mainly giving Juliet the potion, because Romeo didn't know she was only sleeping and ended up killing himself.

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Friar Laurence helps Romeo and Juliet by marrying them in secret, hoping that their union will bring peace between their feuding families. He also assists Juliet with a plan to fake her death in order to be with Romeo.

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Q: What is one way that Frair Laurence helps Romeo and Juliet?
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Friar Laurence performs the marriage. Hope this helps! :)

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Friar Lawrence and the Nurse both help.

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Juliet's two confidants are her Nurse and Friar Laurence. The Nurse is like a mother figure to Juliet, providing her with advice and support. Friar Laurence is a trusted friend who helps Juliet with her secret marriage to Romeo and provides guidance throughout the play.

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There are two friars that are mentioned in this Play.Friar Laurence: The friar who marries Romeo and Juliet and who helps the two through everything.Friar John: The friar who brings the message to Mantua from Juliet but is too late. (mantua is where romeo is hiding)

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Who helps Juliet take a message to Romeo in the play Romeo and Juliet?

The nurse.

Who helps Juliet by taking a message to romeo?

At various times, Benvolio, Mercutio, the Nurse, Friar Lawrence, Romeo's father, Friar Lawrence's friend Friar John and Romeo's servant Balthazar all try to do things which they think will help Romeo. And Juliet too, of course.

Who is Romeos greatest ally?

Romeo's greatest ally is Friar Laurence. He supports Romeo and Juliet's secret relationship, helps them in their time of need, and comes up with a plan to reunite them when things go awry.

Who serves as a messenger for Juliet?

Friar Laurence serves as a messenger between Romeo and Juliet. He helps them communicate and execute their secret plans to be together.

Who helps Romeo arrange his marriage?

friar Laurence

Which household is juliet from?

if your are on about Romeo and Juliet Juliet is from the family Capulet hopes this helps :)