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A static character is one whose personality, beliefs, and attitudes remain consistent and do not undergo significant change throughout the story. These characters often provide stability and serve as points of reference for the dynamic characters who experience growth and development.

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Q: What is character does not change during the course of the action?
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Is a person in a fictional work that does not change during the course of the action?

static character.

This is a person in a fictional work that does not change during the course of the action.?

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What does describes a character who does not change during the course of a story?

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What word describes a character who does not change during the course of a story'?

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Does a dynamic character remains the same during the course of the story?

A dynamic character changes at least once. A static character doesn't change at all.

A character who helps the plot along but isn't a major character and who doesn't change during the course of the story would be called?

it would be a secondary character

A character does not change during the course of the action?

This character is considered static or flat. They remain consistent in their beliefs, values, and behavior throughout the story, without undergoing significant growth or transformation. This can create contrast with dynamic characters who evolve and learn from their experiences.

What is a static character?

a type of character which doesn't change during the course of a story

What is an example of an flat character?

A flat character is uncomplicated and doesn't change during the course of the story. Vizzini is a flat character in the princess bride as his character doesn't change in story. *A car salesman who tries to bully people into buying a car.

What is the difference between a dynamic character and a static character is that a dynamic character?

A dynamic character is someone who changed during the course of the story and is usually one or the only main characters. A static character does not change during the story and is usually one of the minor characters or perhaps the antagonist (villain).