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Opening or introduction.

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βˆ™ 15y ago
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βˆ™ 5mo ago

Another name for an overture is a prelude.

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Where can you get korn Overture or Obituary?

Korn's Ep for evolution has the song overture or obituary on it as well as sing sorrow which is another good tune.

What is another word for prelude in an opera?

Another word for prelude would be an overture or opening of an opera.

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In Brief: It was invented by a company called, which later changed its name to Overture. Overture was acquired by Yahoo! Google was sued by Overture. That is correct, Google did not invent the PPC Model of advertising.

Who created pay per click advertising?

It was invented by a company called, which later changed its name to Overture. Overture was acquired by Yahoo! Google was sued by Overture. That is correct, Google did not invent the PPC Model of advertising.

Who invented pay per click advertising?

It was invented by a company called, which later changed its name to Overture. Overture was acquired by Yahoo! Google was sued by Overture. That is correct, Google did not invent the PPC Model of advertising.

Does Bianca e Falliero have an overture?

No. It opens with a 'sinfonia' a name given in the baroque period to an orchestral piece which served as an introduction - an early form of the overture.

What is the actual name of the Go Tell Bill?

I don't know what the real name of this song because they wont tell you the answer

What is the name of the music in Lone Ranger?

The William Tell overture, from the opera by Rossini- they also used built-ups of some material from Tschaikovsky"s l8l2 overture in round-ups to battle scenes.