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An uncaring person is someone who lacks empathy or concern for others. They may ignore the feelings or needs of those around them and show little to no interest in providing support or assistance.

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Q: What is an uncaring person?
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Related questions

What are some words to describe an uncaring person?

The word 'uncaring' is a gerund, the present participle of the verb, which functions as a noun in a sentence. Example use:The uncaring simply drop their trash where they stand instead of looking for a trash container.

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How can your boyfriend sleep with his best friend in front of you?

Because he is a callous and uncaring narcissist. Forget about him and find a decent person.

When someone says 'I am not trying to be ugly' what do they mean?

It means something you said to them about their appearance has hurt their feelings.The person is pointing out that they can not actually help how the look and you are a rood uncaring person.

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Is uncareful a word?

No, but uncaring is.

What does uncaring mean?

Taken literally, an uncaring builder is one that simply does not care about how the house or structure is built, as long as it gets built and he or she gets paid. Often, they will perform incredibly low quality work and there may be many issues in structure that a person may refuse to pay for.

What does uncaring builder means?

Taken literally, an uncaring builder is one that simply does not care about how the house or structure is built, as long as it gets built and he or she gets paid. Often, they will perform incredibly low quality work and there may be many issues in structure that a person may refuse to pay for.

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What is the opposite of thoughful?

careless, uncaring

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