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One example of satire in "Othello" is the character of Iago, who manipulates and deceives other characters to achieve his own selfish goals. Iago's cunning actions and dishonesty can be seen as a commentary on human nature and the destructive power of jealousy and deceit.

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Q: What is an example of satire in othello?
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The verb form of "satire" is "to satirize." For example, you can create a show filled with satire, where the characters satirize current events and authority figures.

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One example of satire in "Lord of the Flies" is the portrayal of the boys' attempts to govern themselves, which ultimately devolves into chaos and brutality. This satirizes the idea that humans are inherently rational and capable of creating a just society. A quote that exemplifies this satire is when Piggy says, "We've got to have rules and obey them. After all, we're not savages. We're English, and the English are best at everything."

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