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The term for an area of mostly flat land is called a plain. Plains are characterized by low relief and minimal elevation changes, making them excellent for agriculture and human settlement. Examples of famous plains include the Great Plains in North America and the Indo-Gangetic Plain in South Asia.

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Q: What is an area of mostly flatland?
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What is a broad high mostly flatland called?

It is called a plain.

What is an area of flatland far from coastal region?

An interior plain

Is there a flatland minecraft seed?

No, yo need MCedit to make a flat area.

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When was Flatland created?

Flatland was created in 1884.

Is there also alpine skiing?

Of course! There is nordic skiing, mostly on flatland and then there is alpine, the more popular, successful side of the sport.

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The homophone for "flatland" is "flatland," but the homophone for a joiner's tool, "plane," is also "plane."

What seed is flatland for minecraft?

There is no seed for "flatland." If you mean a flat world, you can switch to the flat world setting in the world creation settings. If you know there is a "flatland" seed you should specify what you mean.

When was Goodbye Flatland created?

Goodbye Flatland was created on 2003-06-17.

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Tundra is the name for a broad plain that exists in a polar area. Words that are related to tundra are wasteland, expanse, plateau, and flatland.

When was Hallvard Flatland born?

Hallvard Flatland was born on February 10, 1957, in Norway.