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A feature of oral stories is that they are passed down through generations by word of mouth, often evolving as they are retold. This oral tradition allows for flexibility, creativity, and cultural adaptation in the storytelling process. Additionally, oral stories often serve to entertain, educate, and preserve cultural heritage.

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Do short stories stems from the oral tradition of story telling?

All stories stem from the oral tradition, yes. We spoke before we invented writing.

What is it called when stories are handed down by word of mouth?

It is Oral tradition or sometimes referred to as oral culture or oral lore

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No, humans are generally not at the center of the story in Greek oral traditions. Greek myths often feature gods and supernatural beings as central figures, with humans playing various roles in their stories.

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Oral history (if true) legends, folk-stories, tall tales.

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People often refer to stories about the past that are not written down as oral history or oral traditions. These stories are passed down through generations by word of mouth.

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Short stories come from the oral story-telling tradition.

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