It is a simple aptitude test, where the logical reasoning and thinking is tested.
It marks how much logical can a person be.This is the first round of the ssb(service selection board),which is carried out by the naval academy recruitment officers.
The Officer Intelligence Rating (OIR) test is a cognitive ability test administered by the Indian Navy as part of their selection process for officer candidates. It assesses a candidate's logical reasoning, problem-solving skills, and ability to think under pressure. The test helps the Indian Navy in evaluating the candidates' intelligence and suitability for officer roles.
The Most Visited Indian Movie Rating Website Is Indian Movie rating
British Intelligence - 1940 is rated/received certificates of: USA:Approved (PCA #5228) USA:TV-G (TV rating)
If you have a Third Class Petty Officer and he is a Storekeeper, you can either call him/her "Petty Officer ______" or just as easily call him/her "SK3". But with the latter of the two, usually you have to know the person or their rating. Boatswain
The Parole Officer - 2001 is rated/received certificates of: Argentina:13 Australia:M Australia:PG Finland:K-11 Germany:12 Spain:T Sweden:7 UK:15 (original rating) UK:12 (re-rating) USA:R
RoboCop - 1994 Officer Missing 1-5 is rated/received certificates of: UK:PG (DVD rating)
First Class Petty Officer, and a Machinist's Mate (a job rating). The MM stands for Machinist's Mate, and the "1" denotes that the person is a First-Class Petty Officer.
The Indian Telly Awards - 2001 TV is rated/received certificates of: India:U (TV rating)
The rank of Chief Petty Officer in the U.S. Navy was established on April 1, 1893, by Secretary of the Navy Hilary Abner Herbert.
"Petty Officer" is not a job description, but a rank. It is the lowest US Navy rank for an NCO, (Non-Comissioned Officer). The job description would be called the "rate" or "rating" such as gunner's mate, machinist, storekeeper etc.
Absolutely. Military personnel - regardless of rank or rating - are not exempt from legal accountability. A four star General or Admiral can be arrested by a police officer if they commit a crime which merits arrest, the same as any lower enlisted personnel or civilian.
Seinfeld - 1989 The Cigar Store Indian 5-10 is rated/received certificates of: Canada:PG (video rating)
Credit scores range from 300 to 850. Generally a loan officer would consider a score below 620 to be a sub-prime, or bad score.