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Pretty much Titus and Violet start going out and dating and after Titus finds out that Violet is dying because her Feed is screwing up her head he starts felling withdrawn and starts to pull away from Violet. She and him eventually go to the mountains to a hotel and she says she wants to experience everything when her feed is functioning at about 52.7% (The average is 90% which means she has slowly been dying and her limbs have slowly stopped functioning because the Feed is connected to her brain and since she got her feed installed later than usual then when she got hacked on the moon her feed couldn't repair itself since it wasn't as well attached to her brain.) so Titus doesn't want to "do it" with Violet (I think that is what Anderson was pointing to because Violet was rubbing Titus's legs, kissing him, and saying she wanted to experience everything.) and he Finally flat out says no, because he thought that since he kept picturing her dead then he felt like he was going out with a zombie. She got mad they went back home he dropped her off at her Dad's House (He got PO'd

because he had told Violet not to hang out with Titus and she didn't care even though he was being a bit of a jerk she still loved him) and he goes home. She then chats him in the morning that she still liked him and was sorry for the things she'd done and still wanted to experience life before she died. (Obviously not sexually anymore, she meant towards things like going under the sea and going to see temples and things.) Titus doesn't reply and doesn't talk to her for about five months by which time she has been be able to almost deteriorate and die. Her Dad then feeds Titus about how she wanted him to know when it was over and that she still, and always would love him and he leaves his house, goes to hers, her Dad gets kind of pist

because he left and now Violet was about to die. (Her feed was malfunctioning

and probably couldn't be repaired. It was working at 4.6%) The next day he goes over there feeling terrible, he rubs her hands tells her things about the news she would've liked to hear, tells her the one memory she had to remember when she waked up about them and the story between them, he starts bawling, her heart beat is almost nonexistent, he does some other stuff and the book ends with a feed advertisement about feeling blue and getting everything gone. I'm assuming that Violet ended up dying because she couldn't talk, couldn't move, couldn't see, and couldn't do anything else so I'm assuming she died. That about sums up the story so your welcome!

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5mo ago

In the middle to the end of "Feed" by M.T. Anderson, the characters face increasing consequences of their society's over-reliance on technology. They begin to question the system and its effects on their lives, leading to a climax where the protagonist realizes the true cost of a hyper-connected world. The book ultimately explores themes of consumerism, technology, and individuality.

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Q: What happens in the book feed by mt Anderson in the middle to the end of the book?
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When was Feed - Anderson novel - created?

Feed - Anderson novel - was created in 2002.

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The theme of "Feed" by M.T. Anderson explores the consequences of constant technological connectivity and consumerism on society. It delves into the impact of media saturation, individual identity, and environmental degradation.

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Feed is by M.T. Anderson. The paperback is 299 pages. The hardcover has 299 pages.

How many pages does Feed - Anderson novel - have?

"Feed" by M.T. Anderson is a young adult novel that typically has around 300 pages. The exact page count can vary depending on the edition and formatting.

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Because he felt like it.

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