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Brian goes home to New York and his dad comes to him. Also, he gets interveiwed by tons of people. He had some changes, like he stops and stares at the varitey of things in stores. It also says he didn't regain his body wait right away, instead, it took him years. he then farted and died because the gay tiger unleashed methane in the air

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12y ago
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5mo ago

In the epilogue of "Hatchet" by Gary Paulsen, Brian returns to the city, but the wilderness has changed him. He feels more connected to nature and appreciates the simple things in life. The experience has left a lasting impact on him, shaping his outlook on life.

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10y ago

There were a few events that happened in the book The Hatchet. The main even that happen was keeping her mothers affair with someone to himself.

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Q: What happens in the Epilogue in Hatchet?
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What kind of wolf was in the story Hatchet?

If you read the Epilogue it says it was a Timber Wolf. Hatchet is based on a true story

An example of epilogue?

Prologue what happens before the story starts, usually to give you background information or to get you interested. Epilogue is what happens after the story- so you know what became of the characters at the end of the book.

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The epilogue is a mini story that explains what happens in the future and/our what was left out.

What happens in chapter nineteen in the hatchet?

the pilot comes

What page numbers does Brian use the hatchet in?

Brian uses the hatchet throughout the book "Hatchet" by Gary Paulsen, so there isn't a specific page range where he uses it exclusively. The hatchet is a key tool that Brian relies on for survival in the wilderness, and it is mentioned and used on various pages throughout the story.

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In the epilogue of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallowsthey are married, and have two children, Rose and Hugo.

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The opposite of the epilogue is the prolgue

What is it called when the movie is over and they tell you what happened in the end in text?

That is called an "epilogue." It is a literary device commonly used in movies to provide closure and give viewers additional information about what happens to the characters after the main events of the film have concluded.

What is the root word in epilogue and its meaning?

root word of epilogue

When was Epilogue Players created?

Epilogue Players was created in 1976.

How old is Draco Malfoy in the epilogue?

Draco Malfoy was 37 in the epilogue.