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he began to transform into mr.hyde A+ ? ^_^

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5mo ago

They saw Dr. Jekyll transform into Mr. Hyde before their eyes. This shocked and terrified them, as they realized that the two men were connected in some way.

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8y ago

He began to transform into Mr. Hyde.

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Q: What happened when Mr. Utterson and Mr. Enfield were visiting with Dr. Jekyll at the window?
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What happened when mr. utterson and mr. enfield were visiting dr. Jekyll at the window?

He began to transform into Mr. Hyde.

Where do Enfield and Utterson see Jekyll one day during his seclusion?

Enfield and Utterson see Jekyll at his laboratory window one day when he is in seclusion. This encounter raises their suspicions about Jekyll's strange behavior and leads them to investigate further.

In what story does Enfield tell when he and Utterson pass the door?

In "The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde", Enfield tells when he and Utterson pass the door.

What did Mr Utterson conclude had happened to Dr. Jekyll?

mr utterson thought that dr jekyll had been murdered

Who was mr uttersonand mr Richard enfield?

Mr. Utterson is a lawyer and Dr. Jekyll's friend in Robert Louis Stevenson's novella "Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde." Mr. Enfield is also a friend of Dr. Jekyll's and Utterson's cousin. Both characters are involved in investigating the mysterious connection between Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde.

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From these embers...

Were did utterson meet with jekyll after the murder?

Utterson met with Jekyll at Jekyll's house after the murder. Jekyll seemed nervous and unwell during this meeting, which raised Utterson's suspicions about his friend's involvement in the crime.

In the book Dr. Jekyll and Mr Hyde what story does Enfierld tell when he and Utterson pass the door?

Enfield tells Utterson the story of how he witnessed Mr. Hyde trample a young girl in the street and then disappear into the door of Dr. Jekyll's house. This incident serves as the first indication to the characters in the book of the connection between Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde.

What does utterson do immediately after mr.enfieldstory?

Mr. Utterson immediately seeks additional details from Mr. Enfield about the strange story he just heard concerning Mr. Hyde's behavior. Utterson is keen to investigate further due to his curiosity and concern for his friend Dr. Jekyll.

Why does Jekyll want Utterson to have the letter?

Jekyll wants Utterson to have the letter as a form of insurance, to ensure that if anything happens to him, Utterson will be able to understand the truth about Hyde and Jekyll's relationship and take appropriate actions.

Why is Utterson so obsessed with images Enfield's story about Hyde that he cannot sleep?

Utterson is obsessed with the image of Hyde because it resonates with his own fears and curiosity about the mysterious figure. The story adds to the intrigue of Hyde as a sinister and troubling character, sparking Utterson's sense of duty as a lawyer to investigate further. This obsession reflects Utterson's deep concern for his friend Dr. Jekyll and a desire to understand the connection between Jekyll and Hyde.

What trigger Enfield's strange story in book of the strange case of dr. jekyll and mr. hyde chapter one?

In Chapter One of "Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde," Mr. Enfield tells the story of witnessing Mr. Hyde trample over a young girl. This event triggers the mystery and intrigue surrounding Mr. Hyde, setting the stage for the unfolding tale of duality and transformation.