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Walter Cunningham's mission on Apollo 17, as a backup crew member, helped NASA achieve its goal of successfully completing the final manned mission to the moon. Apollo 17 was the last mission of NASA's Apollo program and the only one to include a geologist (Harrison Schmitt) as part of the crew.

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Q: What goal did Texas resident Walter Cunninghams mission on Apollo 17 help NASA reach?
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Who were the first people to go on the Apollo space mission?

The first astronauts to go in a Apollo spacecraft after the fire were Walter Schirra, Walter Cunningham and a third astronaut to test the new craft after the fire. Walter Schirra becomes the only man to fly in a Mercury, Gemini and a Apollo spacecraft.

Who stopped Scout as she rubbed Walter Cunninghams face in the dirt?

Jem stopped her.

How many missions Walter Cunningham flown?

Walter Cunningham flew into space once as the Lunar Module Pilot on Apollo 7 in October 1968. This was his only mission in space.

What does Jem asked Walter to do?

Jem asked Walter to come home with him for lunch so that Walter could have a meal since the Cunninghams were too poor to afford lunch at school.

What were the names of the crew members on Apollo 7?

Apollo 7 was the first three person American space mission launching on October 11th, 1968. The crew consisted of Mission Commander Walter "Wally" Shirra, Command Module Pilot Donn Eisele, and Lunar Module Pilot Walter Cunningham. They successfully splashed down on the 22nd of October.

Who were the astronauts on Apollo 7?

The astronauts on Apollo 7 were Walter Schirra, Donn Eisele, and Walter Cunningham. They orbited the Earth for more than 10 days in October 1968, testing the spacecraft's systems in preparation for future Moon missions.

What is aunt Alexandra's problem with scout for being cunninghams friend?

Aunt Alexandra believes that the Cunninghams are not socially equal to the Finch family, so she disapproves of Scout being friends with Walter Cunningham. She thinks that associating with the Cunninghams could affect the family's reputation and social standing.

What does scout finch think about the cunninghams?

Scout Finch views the Cunninghams as honest and hardworking people despite their financial struggles. She learns about empathy and the importance of seeing things from others' perspectives through her interactions with the Cunninghams.

What was Apollos first acheviement?

The Apollo 7 with astronauts Walter Schirra, Walter Cunningham,and a third astronaut became the first to test the Apollo spacecraft. Apollo 8 first orbited the moon and Apollo 11 first landed on the moon. Apollo 13 was the first damaged spacecraft to be returned to earth.

What upsets Scout about Walter Cunningham?

Scout is upset with Walter Cunningham because her teacher, Miss Caroline, doesn't understand that the Cunninghams are poor and can't afford lunch money. She is also upset when her classmate, Burris Ewell, insults Walter for accepting charity and being a "coward."

Did the Apollo 18 mission take place in 1974?

No, the Apollo 18 mission did not take place in 1974. The last manned mission of the Apollo program was Apollo 17 in 1972. Apollo 18 was planned but later canceled due to budget cuts and changes in NASA's priorities.

What is Walter cunninghams education level?

In "To Kill a Mockingbird," Walter Cunningham Sr. is portrayed as illiterate, having limited formal education. In the book, Scout mentions that Walter Sr. never went to school, or else he would have been able to understand Atticus's attempts to help him with his finances.