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Romeo decides to fight Tybalt due to his anger and frustration over Mercutio's death at the hands of Tybalt. It's a rash decision made in the heat of the moment, driven by his loyalty to his friend and his desire for revenge.

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Q: What finally causes Romeo to fight?
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Why does Romeo finaly fight Tybalt?

Romeo finally fought Tybalt because Tybalt killed Mercutio.

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As the prologue says, Romeo and Juliet "do with their death bury their parents' strife."

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His name is Mercutio. Mercutio is a friend of Romeo's and a relative of the Prince's. He does not exactly take Romeo's place in a fight: Tybalt wants to have a fight with Romeo but Romeo refuses to fight him. Mercutio, who has been taunting Tybalt right along, thinks it a shame that there is to be no fight and is disappointed in Romeo for refusing to take part, so he challenges Tybalt himself.

Why is the fight regarded as crucial to the outcome of romeo and Juliet?

The fight in which Tybalt kills Mercutio causes Romeo to kill Tybalt. Because Romeo kills Tybalt he is banished from Verona and is therefore separated from Juliet, who has been placed into an arranged marriage with Paris. The fight is essentially what brings about Juliet's need to fake her own death, which in turn brings about the famously tragic ending.

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Mercutio starts the fight that ends with Romeo fleeing the city.

What is the outcome between romeo and tybalts fight?

The immediate outcome of the fight between Romeo and Tybalt was that Romeo won and Tybalt died. This had the effect of getting Romeo banished from Verona.

What is the result of Romeo's fight with Tybalt?

Romeo kills Tybalt.

How The nurse description of the fights leads Juliet to believe that Romeo?

The nurse's description of the fight and Tybalt's death leads Juliet to believe that Romeo has been killed. She interprets the news of Tybalt's death as a result of a confrontation with Romeo, and this misunderstanding causes her to despair.

When a fight develops who kills whom?

Romeo and Juliet

What happens in the fight between Romeo and Juliet?

Romeo and Juliet don't fight with each other. They are madly in love.