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It is the combinations of all evil things that accured to both kino and Juana.

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"The Pearl" by John Steinbeck tells the story of a poor diver named Kino who finds a valuable pearl that brings misfortune to his family as they become the target of greed and violence. The phrase "misfortune of the pearl" refers to how the pearl, initially seen as a symbol of hope and prosperity, ultimately leads to tragedy and destruction for Kino and his loved ones.

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Q: What does the word misfortune of the pearl by John Steinbeck mean?
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What word means great misfortune?

Misfortune can mean disaster, adversity, calamity, catastrophe, hardship, and really bad luck.

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When John Steinbeck wrote, "It was a morning like no other," he meant that there was nothing special about that morning. It was the same as every other day.

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