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5mo ago

The window at Chillingworth and Dimmesdale's home overlooks the scaffold where Hester Prynne stood for her public shaming. The scaffold serves as a constant reminder of the characters' past sins and the consequences of their actions in "The Scarlet Letter" by Nathaniel Hawthorne.

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Q: What does the window at chillingworth and dimmesdale's home overlook in The Scarlet Letter?
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Who was Roger in The Scarlet Letter?

In "The Scarlet Letter," Roger Chillingworth is the protagonist Hester Prynne's estranged husband who arrives in the colony years after she was publicly shamed and forced to wear the scarlet letter 'A' for adultery. He seeks revenge on Hester's lover, Arthur Dimmesdale, and becomes consumed by bitterness and obsession.

Is chillingworth's revenge successful in The Scarlet Letter?

Chillingworth's revenge is ultimately unsuccessful in "The Scarlet Letter" because it consumes him and leads to his own destruction. Rather than finding satisfaction in causing Hester and Dimmesdale pain, Chillingworth becomes consumed by his hatred and loses his humanity in the process. His quest for revenge ultimately brings no true closure or peace.