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Mockingbirds in the book "to kill a mockingbird" represent people.

Here are some characteristics of the person that is like a mockingbird.


*Can only do good

*Not a pest

*Easy target

People in the book that they resemble

*The black Man (I forget his name) that Atticus is defending

*Mr. Aurthur/ Boo Radley


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14y ago
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5mo ago

The mockingbird symbolizes innocence, freedom, and empathy in literature and folklore. It is often associated with characters or ideas that are misunderstood or misrepresented, yet possess a pure and kind spirit. In Harper Lee's "To Kill a Mockingbird," the mockingbird serves as a metaphor for innocence and the unjust persecution of those who are blameless.

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14y ago

Mockingbirds in the book "to kill a mockingbird" represent people.

Here are some characteristics of the person that is like a mockingbird.


*Can only do good

*Not a pest

*Easy target

People in the book that they resemble

*The black Man (I forget his name) that Atticus is defending

*Mr. Aurthur/ Boo Radley


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13y ago

Mockingbirds in the book "to kill a mockingbird" represent people.

Here are some characteristics of the person that is like a mockingbird:


*Can only do good

*Not a pest

*Easy target

People in the book that they resemble:

*Tom Robinson defended by Atticus

*Mr. Aurthur/ Boo Radley


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14y ago

Tom Robinson for his being acused in what he's never done

Boo Radly for people judging him as a monster

Myella for atticus forces her to tell everything and put her under pressure

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12y ago

It represents innocence. So if you were to kill a mockingbird, you are destroying innocence.

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11y ago

the mocking bird represents innocense

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14y ago


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