This phrase typically means achieving the greatest benefit or outcome using the fewest resources or effort. It is about maximizing efficiency and effectiveness in reaching a desired result.
Advice is least heeded when most needed is a wonderful phrase. This phrase is quite true in a lot of cases.
It means to focus on the important things and not let the little things get in the way of these.
Neither. Solid can be the least flexible or the most rigid.
A prepositional phrase.
Most times it is another phrase for 'later'
Simply put, the most for the least.
"At least" is a prepositional phrase.
It refers to the most important information that has been presented.
it means the same in Spanish. Well at least Google translate told me that.
Of equal height means that at least two objects or people are the same height. It is a phrase used when making a comparison.
There so many phrases that has the least formal diction. For instance the phrase kick back has an informal diction which makes is least formal type of diction.
A prepositional phrase.