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The narrator gives the salesman three gold coins in exchange for the Book of Sand.

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Q: What does the narrator give the salesman in exchange for the Book of Sand?
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How does the narrator get rid of the Book of Sand at the end of the story?

The narrator tries to get rid of the Book of Sand by selling it to a bookstore, but the owner refuses to buy it. The narrator then buries the book in a remote location, hoping to be free of its curse.

When was The Book of Sand created?

The Book of Sand was created in 1975.

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The stock symbol for Sandstorm Gold is "SAND" on the Toronto Stock Exchange and "SAND" on the New York Stock Exchange.

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The cast of Ribbon of Sand - 2008 includes: John Grabowska as Narrator Meryl Streep as Rachel Carson

How do you put an item up for auction for sand on howrse?

You cannot. Only Howrse themselves can put items up for sale in exchange for sand.

What is the book of sand puzzle answers?

The book of sand puzzle in the book "Fictions" by Jorge Luis Borges does not have a definitive answer. It is meant to be a metaphor for infinite knowledge and the futility of trying to comprehend it. The story leaves the reader to ponder the implications of the infinite nature of knowledge and existence.

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Moving dunes is what is in my book...

Can sand become a gas?

No, sand can not become a gas. Hi, anyone can answer something about your question. But, it may not always be true. So find your answers in a book. It will most likely be true in a book.

How do sand dollars get their flower shape on the top of it?

The petal shapes on top of a sand dollar are actually pair of openings on the hard test, i.e, the flat shell that helps in gass exchange.

Who have ever read The book of sand?

"The Book of Sand" is a short story by Argentine writer Jorge Luis Borges, published in 1975. The story revolves around a mysterious book that is infinite and contains an ever-shifting number of pages. It explores themes of infinity, obsession, and the limits of human knowledge.