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It tells us that he is depressed. 'Many a morning hath he there been seen with tears augmenting the fresh mornings dew adding to clouds more clouds with his deep sighs."

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In the first scene of Romeo and Juliet, Romeo is portrayed as lovesick and melancholic. He is seen pining over a girl who does not return his affections, showcasing his romantic and emotional nature. This sets the stage for his impulsiveness and passion throughout the play.

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Q: What does the first scene of the play Romeo and Juliet say about Romeo's character?
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The first character to mention the idea of marriage in "Romeo and Juliet" is Lady Capulet, who discusses the prospect of Juliet marrying Paris with her daughter.

Which character is the first to die in the whole story of Romeo and Juliet?

It is Romeo's friend Mercutio, killed by Juliet's cousin, Tybalt.

Who died first in the play 'Romeo and Juliet'?

Romeo died first. Juliet took a fake potion to make her sleep but appear to be dead. Romeo then drank his potion presuming her dead and died. Juliet then woke up to find Romeo dead and stabbed herself with his knife.

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The first character to die in Romeo and Juliet is Mercutio, who is killed in a fight with Tybalt. This leads to a chain of tragic events in the play.

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At first, he is love sick with Rosaline, his neice, but when he attended the Capulet's ball, he instantly forgets about Rosaline and is deeply in love with Juliet, a Capulet.

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Who said parting is such sweet sorrow in romeo and Juliet?

The character Juliet says the famous line "Parting is such sweet sorrow" in Shakespeare's play "Romeo and Juliet." She utters these words in Act 2, Scene 2 during the famous balcony scene.

Who does Romeo kill?

Romeo goes on a bit of a killing spree in Romeo and Juliet. He first kills Juliet's cousin Tybalt in a duel and a few days later he kills Paris, the man that Juliet's parents want her to marry. Lastly, he kills himself by taking poison which persuades Juliet to kill herself.

How does the character of Capulet come across in the first scene?

The character of Capulet comes across in the first scene because it was when Romeo realized that Juliet was a Capulet.

Where did Romeo Juliet first meet?

Romeo and Juliet first met in a feast at Capulet's house.