Suspense is the feeling of anxiety or excitement about something that may or may not happen. Suspense in a story is when the details leave the reader excited and anxious as they wonder what will happen next.
That quality of a literary work that makes the reader or audience uncertain or tense about the outcome of events. Suspense makes the reader ask "What will happen next?". Suspense is greatest when it focuses attention on a sympathetic character. Thus, the most familiar kind of suspense involves a character hanging form the lee of a tall building, or tied to a railroad tracks as a train approaches.
Literary Techniques: suspense, foreshadowing, situational and dramatic
In literary terms, foreboding refers to a sense of impending doom or disaster that is conveyed through a story's atmosphere, events, or characters' actions. It creates tension and anticipation for what is to come, often contributing to a mood of suspense or unease in the narrative.
Tension in a literary sense is a state of mental or emotional strain or suspense or when there is suspense in the story.
Literary means like the symbol of the flag.
Oh yesss!!! Any work of literature in terms can be a theme irony, suspense, foreshadowing.
Motivation in literary terms means that there is a driving force for the story. Motivation will give the characters a reason to live for example.
Where an actor speaks either to himself or to the audience.
Suspense is the literary element used when Ralph goes hunting for the beast in the dark. there s a sense of unease while reading this section.
a fable means a made up tale with mythical creatures in it
Yes, there are literary terms in every book ever made.