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After the men leave, Montag hears the Mechanical Hound growling and lurking in the darkness outside his home. This indicates that the Hound is still a threat to him.

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Q: What does montag hear after the men leave?
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Montag thought Faber was reciting a poem by Matthew Arnold called "Dover Beach."

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The earpiece is a communication device that enables Montag to hear Faber's voice privately, allowing them to communicate without being overheard by others. They use it to exchange ideas and plan their actions in secret.

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Guy Montag is similar to Icarus from Greek mythology in that both men were unable to listen to advice or heed warnings. Both men were bold.

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A group of men chasing Montag in a car was led by a man named Captain Beatty. Beatty pursues Montag in the car to capture and stop him from escaping.

Why can't Montag leave in Fahrenheit 451?

Because the hound is watching over him!

Why does montag read dover beach to the ladies?

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What had Faber designed that allowed him to be in concastant contact with montag?

Faber had designed a two-way communication system in Montag's ear called the Green Bullet that allowed him to hear and talk with Montag at all times. This device enabled them to communicate discreetly and share information without being detected.

What disturbing news do the men and Montag watch on TV?

On the portable tv When he reaches the men , they watch the police attack an innocent man called a "Scapegoat"so they can show the world "Montag" was dead, though he was not. So The World think they aught him and they arent emberrased.

What does montag hear when places the seashell back in his ear?

Montag hears the sound of Mildred's overdose and the sirens of emergency responders through the seashell radio. This highlights the blending of technology with real-life events and emphasizes the constant stream of noise and distractions in their society.

Why did the search for montag veer inland in Fahrenheit 451?

In "Fahrenheit 451," the search for Montag veers inland to mislead the Mechanical Hound that was trailing him. By changing direction and giving false clues, Montag was able to confuse the Hound and ultimately escape capture.

What is Mildred's betrayal in Fahrenheit 451?

She tells on Montag for having books in the house. ____________________________ Actually, Mildred didn't tell on Montag. There were two reasons why Montag was caught. The first is that the women that were over that night told the firemen that he had the books, and the second is that the mechanical hound found the books that Montag had hidden in his backyard for safe keeping. Mildred didn't tell anyone, but did leave when the fire truck came.