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whats so scary about Macbeth she is only human she sounds scary but trust me she ain't am her daughter lol

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Lady Macbeth manipulates others by planting seeds of doubt and using psychological tactics to shift blame onto them. She skillfully uses her strong will and persuasive language to make others question their actions and feel guilty.

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12y ago

When King Duncan is killed, she faints in order to divert the attention away from Macbeth.

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Q: What does lady Macbeth do to make others seem guilty?
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When Macbeth agrees to murder the king he and the lady Macbeth plan that?

(Apex Learning) Lady Macbeth will make sure the guards are drugged, allowing Macbeth to sneak in and stab the king to death.

Macbeth's Downfall is his own fault?

Decisions are always hard to make, but have to be made everyday. People tend to put pressure on others to force them to make the wrong decisions. In Macbeth's case, Lady Macbeth is highly responsible for the evil doings of Macbeth, by forcing him to make the wrong choices, which puts his leadership at stake. She urges her husband to kill Duncan and become king, but is eventually driven to madness and suicide by her guilt over the bloodshed that follows. If it weren't for Lady Macbeth, Macbeth never would have killed anyone. At first, Macbeth felt he had no reason to kill King Duncan, because of the witches' prophecies which stated that in the future, he will become king. "If chance will have me king, why, chance may crown me without my stir." However, when Lady Macbeth found out about the prophecy that stated that Macbeth will become king, she immediately felt reason to murder him. "Is too full o' the milk of human kindness" shows that Lady Macbeth considers Macbeth to be a "wimp," and that she'll have to do this all by herself. "Leave all the rest to me" clearly states that Lady Macbeth takes control over Macbeth's thought which was not to kill Duncan, for he found no reason to. Lady Macbeth continues to convince and persuade Macbeth into her "plan" which is to kill King Duncan. Macbeth agrees to follow Lady Macbeth's thoughts and kills King Duncan. He regrets his actions afterward, which is proof that he never was willing to kill him in the first place. Macbeth has become deeply involved with murder, and eventually kills several others. This is proof that Lady Macbeth has transformed Macbeth into being a greedy, coldhearted human being, by saying things such as "Are you a man?" She undermines his masculinity, to make him feel at fault, and have it her way. Eventually, Lady Macbeth is driven to Madness by the guilt she holds on her shoulders, and ends up committing suicide. If it weren't for Lady Macbeth, Macbeth would have never killed anyone.

Why does Lady Macbeth question Macbeth Lady Macbeth questions Macbeth because she doesnt want to scare Macbeth in a way she wants to reveal his other side which will make him a coward?

Lady Macbeth questions Macbeth to provoke him into taking action. She challenges his masculinity and questions his resolve in order to manipulate him into following through with their plan to kill King Duncan.

What does Lady Macbeth give the chamberlains to make them sleep?

Lady Macbeth drugs the chamberlains with wine mixed with a potion to make them fall into a deep sleep, thus ensuring they will not interrupt Duncan's murder.

What event has Macbeth and lady Macbeth planned to the evening for the murder?

Apex- Lady Macbeth will make sure the Garda are drugged, allowing Macbeth to sneak in and stab the king to death.

Who does lady Macbeth use in the play?

Lady Macbeth uses Macbeth. She convinces him that he cannot wait for Fate to take its natural course. He must intervene to make things fir the prophecy; he must kill the king and frame his sons to make himself the heir to the throne.

Did the witches make Macbeth murder duncan?

The witches only gave Macbeth prophecies. It was his decision to do so after Lady Macbeth persuaded him. Although the witches' intentions was probably to cause this murder, the witches did not make Macbeth muder Duncan.

What did Lady Macbeth do to make others seem guilty?

Lady Macbeth gave the two royal guards drugged drinks. The two passed out, and were remiss in their responsibilities as defenders and protectors of their King, Duncan I [d. August 14, 1040]. Her husband then was able to kill the defenseless guards just as easily as he had killed his sovereign. It looked to those who found the three bloodied corpses that the guards had gotten drunk and gone crazy against their King and each other.

Who knew about the prophecies besides lady Macbeth?

In Shakespeare's play "Macbeth," the three witches are the ones who make the prophecies about Macbeth becoming king. In addition to Lady Macbeth, Macbeth himself learns about the prophecies from the witches and later seeks them out for more information. Ultimately, Macbeth's actions are driven by his desire to fulfill the prophecies and maintain his position as king.

How does Lady Macbeth convince Macbeth to murder?

When Macbeth starts having second thoughts about killing the king, Duncan, Lady Macbeth questions his manhood and says he is a coward. She says she would have killed her own baby rather than break a promise such as the one Macbeth made her (to kill Duncan). She also says that her love for him from that time onwards will depend on whether he kills the king or not.

What is Lady Macbeth plan to make the prophecies come true faster?

She helps Macbeth out by tricking him into killing the king. :P

Why did Lady Macbeth want to be unsexed?

lady Macbeth prays to be unsexed because she thinks her femininity makes her weak she is too kind and gentle she needs her kindness to be taken away so she can plan the murder and make Macbeth kill king duncan