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Gatsby offers to introduce Nick to business opportunities in the hopes of gaining his cooperation in inviting Daisy to his house. He promises to help Nick improve his social status and make connections within the elite circles of society.

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Q: What does gastby offer nick in return for nicks cooperation in inviting daisy to his house?
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Why did gastby want to talk to Jordan baker at his party?

To ask Nick to invite Daisy to Tea -apex (:

What does gastby think about the relationship between daisy and tom in the great gastby?

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How would you desccribe Daisy's reactions to Gastby?

Daisy is initially charmed by Gatsby's wealth and lavish lifestyle, but later becomes conflicted and overwhelmed by her feelings for him. She is torn between her love for Gatsby and her loyalty to her husband, Tom Buchanan, ultimately leading to a tragic outcome. Daisy struggles with her emotions and vacillates between desire and guilt in her interactions with Gatsby.

Will daisy and blane return to mihigh?

yes they will in series 6 in"the return of blane and daisy" and lenny comes back too.this series will be out late 2012 and early 2013

Who is vladimir tostoff in the great gastby?

There is no character named Vladimir Tostoff in "The Great Gatsby" by F. Scott Fitzgerald. The main characters in the novel are Jay Gatsby, Nick Carraway, Daisy Buchanan, and Tom Buchanan.

What strange sight does nick see at the end of chapter one of the great gastby?

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What does Tom do when he and daisy return from their honeymoon?

He has multiple affairs with other women.

What is tom impression in the great gastby?

Tom Buchanan is portrayed as a wealthy, arrogant, and entitled man in "The Great Gatsby." He is physically imposing and uses his privilege to manipulate and control those around him, including his wife Daisy. Tom embodies the flaws and moral decay of the upper class in the novel.