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At the end of Chapter 3 in "Of Mice and Men," Curley promises to get George and Lennie into trouble for talking to his wife. He threatens to report their behavior to the boss in an attempt to assert his authority and dominance over the other ranch workers.

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Q: What does curley promise at the end of chapter 3 of mice and men?
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When is Curley's wife first introduced in the book 'Of Mice and Men'?

Curley's wife is first properly introduced when she walks into George and Lennie's cabin looking for her husband near the end of Chapter 2. This is where Steinbeck first describes her making her out to be very flirtatious and possibly dangerous as she wears many red items which tend to be associated with passion or danger.

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In Chapter 4 of "Of Mice and Men," Crooks is visited by Lennie, Candy, and later Curley's wife. They end up in Crooks's room after Lennie is forbidden from entering the bunkhouse by the other men. Each character is seeking something different - Lennie wants companionship, Candy wants a sense of belonging, and Curley's wife wants to alleviate her own loneliness.

What are quotes with page numbers about Lennie smalls being taken advantage of?

In "Of Mice and Men," Lennie Small is taken advantage of by both George and others. One instance is when George tells Slim how he used Lennie's strength to get them work. This can be found in Chapter 3 of the novel. Additionally, Curley's wife manipulates Lennie's naive nature to confide in her, leading to the tragic end of the story in Chapter 5.

What is the resolution of 'Of Mice and Men'?

The resolution of "Of Mice and Men" occurs when George makes the difficult decision to end Lennie's life to spare him from a more brutal fate at the hands of others. This action, though tragic, is a representation of George's ultimate act of compassion and protection towards his friend.

Color red in 'Of Mice and Men'?

Red is a symbolic color in "Of Mice and Men", often representing danger, power, and intensity. It is seen in the descriptions of Curley's wife's appearance, the barn where Lennie finds the dead puppy, and in the violent events that unfold towards the end of the story.

What literary elements are in chapter 5 of mice and men?

Chapter 5 of "Of Mice and Men" contains various literary elements, such as symbolism (the barn as a safe haven), foreshadowing (Lennie's accidental killing of the puppy foreshadows the tragic event to come), and mood/atmosphere (the tension and sense of impending doom that pervades the chapter). Additionally, Steinbeck uses dialogue effectively to reveal character traits and relationships between the characters.

Why are hopes and dreams important in Of Mice and Men?

Hopes and dreams are important in Of Mice and Men as they give the characters purpose, motivation, and a sense of optimism in an otherwise bleak and harsh world. They serve as a source of hope and drive that help the characters cope with their challenging circumstances and maintain their resilience in the face of adversity.