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Atticus describes the camellias in Mrs. Dubose's yard as "the beginnings of a smile" which symbolizes the hope and recovery she is striving for in overcoming her addiction. He recognizes their beauty despite the negativity surrounding Mrs. Dubose.

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Q: What does atticus say about the flowers mrs dubose has in her yard?
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What did jem do when Mrs Dubose insulted atticus by saying he devended black people?

Jem took Scout's baton and chopped the tops of all Mrs. Dubose's camellia bushes. Then he snapped Scout's baton in half.

Which flowers does Jem attack?

Jem attacks Mrs. Dubose's camellias in the novel "To Kill a Mockingbird." He destroys the flowers after Mrs. Dubose insults his father, Atticus. Jem later learns the reason behind Mrs. Dubose's behavior and the significance of his actions.

What did Atticus say to Mrs Dubose as he approached her on her porch?

Atticus said to Mrs. Dubose, "I missed you today."

Why did Jem ruin Mrs Dubose's flowers?

Jem ruined Mrs. Dubose's flowers because she had insulted and provoked him by making negative comments about his father, Atticus. Jem felt anger and frustration towards Mrs. Dubose's hurtful words, leading him to take revenge by destroying her flowers.

In To Kill a Mockingbird why does Jem react to what Mrs Dubose said the way he does?

He was not happy with Mrs. Dubose's comments on his father, Atticus. Mrs. Dubose had said that Atticus is no better than black people and the trash he works for. Trash meaning defending Tom Robinson, a black man. Jem became angered and forgets his promise to Atticus and later tore out the majority of the camellias and their leaves in the front yard.

Why does Jem knock the top off of Mrs. Dubose's flowers in To Kill a Mockingbird?

Jem is upset with Mrs. Dubose's racist comments towards his father, so he retaliates by destroying her flowers as an act of rebellion. Jem is trying to stand up for his family and assert his own sense of justice in response to Mrs. Dubose's bigotry.

Why was Jem angry with Mrs Dubose?

because mrs. dubose said that atticus "lawed for n word"

What does Mrs. Dubose say that pushes Jem over the edge What does he do to retaliate Why does Atticus defend Mrs. Dubose?

Mrs. Dubose insults Atticus and calls him names for defending Tom Robinson. Jem responds by destroying Mrs. Dubose's camellia bushes. Atticus defends Mrs. Dubose because he believes in showing compassion and understanding towards others, even those who may hold different views or attitudes.

What chapter does Jem kill Mrs. Dubose's azaleas in To Kill a Mockingbird?

Jem knocks the heads off Mrs. Dubose's CAMELLIAS, NOT azaleas. (It is instead Miss Maudie who nurtures azaleas in her garden.). This happens in Chapter 11, page 114 (may vary depending on your particular book).

How does Atticus act like a gentleman?

mrs. dubose

What does jem use to destroy mrs duboses flowers?

In "To Kill a Mockingbird," Jem uses Scout's baton to destroy Mrs. Dubose's camellia plants as a means of retaliation after Mrs. Dubose insults Atticus. This act ultimately leads to Jem reading to Mrs. Dubose as a punishment.

What is the reason Atticus wanted Jem to meet Mrs. Dubose?

because Jem did a dishonor to her in cutting off all her camellia flowers and because Mrs. Dubose was a nasty old lady who needed some happiness and innocence in her life.