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When Melville describes Ahab as being tormented by "far other hammers," he is suggesting that Ahab's suffering and obsession go beyond the typical challenges faced by others. Ahab's inner turmoil and relentless pursuit of revenge against Moby Dick are driven by deeper, more complex forces that set him apart from those around him.

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Q: What does Melville mean when he describes Ahab as being tormented by far other hammers?
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What kind of wood are hammers made of?

Wood handles, for work hammers are mostly made of hickory, ash or oak. Wooden handles for throwing hammers, hickory, ash or cane (rattan) are used, the latter being the most desirable. The Olympic throwing hammers uses steel wire, in these modern times Highland games throwing hammers, use PVC plastic conduit, as a handle, as it tends to be more durable then cane or wood.

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Estwing hammers are designed especially for high end striking and being used as struck tools, roofing tools, geologist's hammers and various specialty striking tools.

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Depends on which bible you are talking about. If you are talking about the Christian bible, you cannot be tormented in the grave. According to the beliefs of the Christian bible, if you do not accept Jesus Christ as your savior, and become born again, then you lay asleep in the grave until judgement day. This is a death sleep, one in which you will wake up and it will be just as if no time has passed. For the Christian, one who is "born again" (according to John Chapter 3), when you are absent from the body, you are present with Christ. Torment is to be separated from God, and we will answer for the things that we do, but we will not be tormented by those that we hurt, they do not have the power.

What kind of wood are hammer handles made from?

Wood handles, for work hammers are mostly made of hickory, ash or oak. Wooden handles for throwing hammers, hickory, ash or cane (rattan) are used, the latter being the most desirable. The Olympic throwing hammers uses steel wire, in these modern times Highland games throwing hammers, use PVC plastic conduit, as a handle, as it tends to be more durable then cane or wood.

How did the Norman soilders fell in the battle for hastings?

Through being stabbed by swords or hit by arrows, hammers and war axes.

In The Signalman-Charles Dickens how is the signalman presented as a victim?

To understand this you must put yourself in the signal mans place,he is being tormented by a ghost and does not know what it wants him to do.

What were the tools they used?

The tools they used depend on the era and the job being done. Basic tools include hammers, spears, and bows.

Why is being a Jew an insult?

It isn't. But during the Holocaust and medieval times, they were considered dirty and not humans. Throughout history many countries and people tormented Jews and their homeland.