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Atticus tells Scout that she can have more confidence in herself and her judgments as she gets older. He also mentions that she can count on him for guidance and support.

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Q: What does Atticus tell scout will be hers when she is older?
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What does Miss Caroline tell Scout to tell her father?

1) stop teaching scout to read 2) stop teaching scout to wriite

Why does Atticus tell Scout to ignore Jem in the treehouse?

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How does he answer Scout when she asks how to tell whether or not someone is black How does Scout respond to his explanation What does th?

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Miss Caroline told Scout to stop reading at home because she believed that Scout was already too advanced compared to the rest of her classmates. Miss Caroline thought it would be better for Scout to start learning at the same pace as the other students.

What compromise did atticus make with scout soncerning school?

Atticus compromised with Scout by agreeing that she could keep attending school as long as they continued to read together at home as usual. This way, Scout could still enjoy her schooling while also maintaining her education at home with her father.