When writing fantasy as opposed to Science Fiction, you will need things like magic, magical creatures, or other supernatural things that cannot be explained by science. Other than that, a fantasy novel is written like any other book.
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To write a fiction story, you typically need a plot, characters, setting, conflict, and resolution. You may also want to consider themes, dialogue, and writing style to effectively craft your story. Additionally, having creativity, imagination, and a passion for storytelling can greatly enhance the process of writing a compelling fiction story.
You need a catchy beginning, an exciting middle(or plot), and an ending that makes the reader think about your story for a while.
There are 4 steps to writng a fiction story.
First you have to have a prewrite. A prewrite is where you can brainstorm and write your ideas. To set up your prewrite, devide your paper in to 3 sections. The first section should be pretty small. It should include:
The second section should be pretty big. This is where you write the events. Dont write EVERYTHING down. Just write down the important things that happen in you story.
The third section should be small like the first one. Here, you write down the ending of your story. This should be only 2-3 sentences.
Now that you have completed your prewrite, let's move on to step 2: Making your rough draft. Your rough draft is basically your entire story. Dont worry about punctuation errors and making your story sound good. You'll do that in step 3. For now, focus on just writing your story. The reason is because if you focus on punctuation and stuff too much, then you won't be able to get down much of your ideas.
To make your story have a catchy beginnig, you need a hook sentence. A hook sentence is where your first sentence catches the reader's attention and he/she wants to read more. To make a good hook sentence(Or a few hook sentences), begin your story with some action! Many stories start with "Once upon a time..." or "It all started when..." DO NOT use those phrases!!!! They are boring, old, and too classical. To get the reader's attention, you could start with someone talking or a certain sound and then the narrator explains what is happening. Like:
You can also start with the narrator asking the reader to think about a certain event. Then the narrator compares that to his/her story. Like:
After your hook sentence, write your beggining. Then write your middle. Make sure its exciting! Then write your ending. Do NOT use, "then they lived happily ever after" or "And thats how my story is" for you last sentence. Those, too, are boring, old, and classical.
You have written you r rought draft! Hooray! Now its time for step 3: Revise and Edit your rough draft. Make sure to revise before you edit. If you dont know the difference, revising means scratching stuff out, using better words, etc. Editing means punctuation errors. First I will teach you how to revise. To revise you must use ARMS. What is ARMS? ARMS is:
Let's take a simple sentence like:
I went to the pool becuase I like the pool and I felt coldness on my back.
Using ARMS, let's first add something to this sentence.
at the Pro Club as Mary splashed my back with water,
I went to the pool^ becuase I like the pool and^ I felt coldness on my back.
Now, lets remove some stuff.
I went to the pool at the Pro Club becuase I like the pool and As Mary splashed my back with water, I felt coldness on my back.
Its time to move around!
^ ^
I like the pool so I went to the pool at the Pro Club. As Mary splashed my back with water, I felt coldness on my back.
And finally, subsitute
my friends and I drove one
I like the pool so I^ went^to the pool^ at the Pro Club. As Mary splashed my
a chill go down my spine
back with water, I felt coldness on my back ^.
So now instead of this boring sentence,"I went to the pool becuase I like the pool and I felt coldness on my back." we now have:
I like the pool so my friends and I drove to the one at the Pro Club. As Mary splashed my back with water, I felt a chill go down my spine.
Now you know how to revise. If you went to first grade you should know how to edit punctuation errors. :)
Step 4 is when you write you final draft. All you do is just copy down the edited version of your rough draft. So now you have a clean paper. If you want to publish your story, your editor is probably gonna make you do WAY more drafts then just 2! ;)
So anyway, good luck on your story!!! :D
The same way you practice anything else - just keep at it. The thing about writing is that the more you read, the better you'll be able to write. Reading and seeing how other writers do it will help you write your own stories. You can also practice by trying to write like your favorite authors - you can't sell that sort of writing usually, but you can use it to help you learn how to write better.
Read lots of friction writing. Most public libraries will have a section of non-fiction/text books that students use to study published classic writing. Then you simply keep practicing.