yes. Thats what facetime is for.
One possible answer could be a procrasintator - a person who always puts off what they need to do.
They call a square a square.
Its another word for something thats ridiculous or rubbish, just totally utterless. Something thats obsurd.
You should be open with your mom and tell her the truth, thats all you can do.
sort of thats what they call it
no thats not possible lolz cause your consince is just the voice in your head and the feeling of guiltiness when you feel you need to do something right Answer I think it's possible. Unless someone can prove that it is not possible how can someone possibly say it is not!
tell your mom!m report it! call the cops! do something and stay away from him thats wrong and he needs help!
thats not possible
ohh thats not possible for me
No, thats not possible.
No thats why i am asking you if it is possible then give me answer or any possible answer