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two pieces of Chewing Gum, a velvet box with two pennies, a ball of gray twine, two small images carved in soap of a boy and girl, a whole pack of chewing gum, a tarnished metal, and a pocket watch that wouldn't run it was on a chain with an aluminum knife.

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13y ago
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5mo ago

Jem and Scout find small gifts in the knot hole of the tree, including two Indian head pennies, gum, a spelling bee medal, and a pocket watch on a chain.

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13y ago

A ball of grey twine, two figures carved in soap to resemble Scout and Jem. The figures are followed in turn by chewing gum, a spelling bee medal, and an old pocket watch.

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14y ago

In the knot hole, they find chewing gum, a ball of twine, two Indian-head coins, a medal from an old spelling contest, two carved soap figures, and an old watch.

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Q: What do Jem and Scout find in the knot hole in To Kill A Mockingbird?
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In To Kill a Mockingbird who places the treasures in the hole in the tree for Jem and Scout?

Boo Radley

What does scout find first wrapped in foil in the knot hole tree?

In "To Kill a Mockingbird," Scout finds two pieces of chewing gum in foil wrappers in the knot hole of the tree.

In To Kill a Mockingbird who does Scout think has been leaving the treasures?

Scout believes that Boo Radley has been leaving the treasures for them in the knot-hole of the tree. This belief is based on the mysterious gifts they find and the rumors and stories they have heard about Boo.

Who finds the first item in the knot hole?

Scout Finch and Jem Finch find the first item in the knot hole of the Radley tree in "To Kill a Mockingbird."

In the book 'To Kill a Mockingbird' who is the person that keeps leaving little treasures in the hole in the tree by the Radley's Place for Scout and Jem?

Boo Radley, a reclusive 30-something.

Who filled the knot hole in the tree with cement To kill a mockingbird?

The cemented hole in the tree represents Boo Radley's isolation from society. Nathan Radley fills the hole with cement to prevent Boo from communicating with Jem and Scout. Jem is heartbroken because he realizes the cruelty of this action.

What is a knothole?

It is a hole in any piece of wood, for example, a hole in a tree in the novel, To Kill a Mockingbird.

Which page is when Boo Radley starts placing gifts in da tree hole?

Boo Radley starts placing gifts in the tree hole for Jem and Scout in Chapter 7 of "To Kill a Mockingbird."

To Kill a Mockingbird chapter 4 what information does scout give us at the end of this chapter?

At the end of Chapter 4 in "To Kill a Mockingbird," Scout tells us that Boo Radley leaves small gifts for them in the knot-hole of a tree near the Radley house. This indicates that Boo Radley may not be the reclusive, scary figure that the children have imagined.

What chapter in To Kill a Mockingbird has the gum in the tree hole?

it's in chapter 6

What happened to the tree in To Kill a Mockingbird?

Mr. Radley fills in the knot hole

What do jem and scout find in the knot hole the third time?

Jem and Scout find a ball of twine in the knot hole the third time they visit.