The narrator tells in an attempt to convince us that he is not insane.
the narrator, the father, nena, cardio, father julian, the japanese
A narrator who would tell more about facts and less about feelings would be an objective narrator. A narrator who would tell more about feelings would be a subjective narrator.
The narrator
The narrator describes their father as being strict, disciplinarian, and often distant.
His master, as the narrator was the butler. He may have represented Poe's father.
The narrator in "You Are Old, Father William" is a young man who questions the actions and habits of an elderly man named Father William. The poem is a conversation between the two characters, with the narrator challenging Father William's unconventional behaviors.
Well, there is the narrator, the narrator's mother, the narrator's principle, the narrator's father, the narrator's sisters, and the American officers at the airport.
father's Gip
He tells the narrator that they are in fact twins.
The narrator relates a story. It may be true or fiction.
The emotions of a second character other than the facial expressions and body language