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She said he was weird for putting syrup all over his food.

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Scout made a comment about Walter Cunningham's eating habits that was considered rude and disrespectful by her father, Atticus Finch. Atticus believed that it was impolite to criticize someone's eating habits, especially when they were a guest in their home. This incident highlighted the importance of showing empathy and understanding towards others, regardless of their social or economic background.

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What chapter does aunt Alexandra tell scout Walter could not come over?

Aunt Alexandra tells Scout that Walter Cunningham could not come over in Chapter 23 of "To Kill a Mockingbird" because he was "trash." She disapproves of the friendship between Scout and Walter due to social class differences.

Why did scout rub Walter cunningsham's nose in the dirt?

She said he made her start out on the wrong foot

What does Walter do that scout thinks is odd?

He pours syrup all over his food.

What does Scout blame Walter Cunningham for?

Scout blames Walter Cunningham for making her start her first day at school on the wrong foot by embarrassing her in front of her teacher, Miss Caroline, when he refuses to take a quarter for lunch money.

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What does Walter Cunningham do at the dinner table that upsets scout?

Walter Cunningham pours molasses all over his food, which upsets Scout because she feels this is improper table manners.

What chapter of To Kill a Mockingbird does Calpurnia get mad at Scout?

Calpurnia gets mad at Scout in Chapter 3 of To Kill a Mockingbird when Scout criticizes Walter Cunningham Jr. for pouring molasses all over his food. Calpurnia scolds Scout for her lack of manners and for not understanding Walter's situation.

How did Scout feel about Walter Cunningham?

Scout feels Walter is of a lower social class than she is. She mistreats him because he is poorer than she is. Scout fells that Walter is unequal to her. also she questions on why she rubbed his nose in the dirt. Scout feels Walter is of a lower social class than she is. She mistreats him because he is poorer than she is. Scout fells that Walter is unequal to her. also she questions on why she rubbed his nose in the dirt.

Why is Scout beating up Walter at the beginning of Chapter 3?

Scout beats up Walter because he indirectly embarrasses her by pouring syrup all over his lunch. She is frustrated and takes out her anger on him, not understanding the full significance of his actions.

What does scout do to make calpurnia furios?

Scout invites Walter Cunningham over for dinner, which angers Calpurnia because she feels that Scout is being disrespectful by not informing her beforehand. This incident disrupts the normal routines of the household and Calpurnia's expectations for Scout's behavior.

When Scout learns about the Cunningham juror what does she say she will do as soon as school starts?

Scout says she will remind the teacher to tell his son, Walter Cunningham, to come over for dinner.

Why did calpurnia get upset with scout?

Calpurnia gets upset with Scout because Scout criticized Walter Cunningham at the dinner table, which was considered disrespectful. Calpurnia, who is like a mother figure to Scout, wants her to learn proper manners and respect for others, regardless of their background.