Esperanza wanted to hear the stories and advice from the strong women in her life, like her mother and grandmother, to help guide her and give her hope for a better future. She also wanted to hear words of encouragement and support that would empower her to overcome the challenges she faced.
Esperanza hears the voices of the other campesinos in the camp, stories of their struggles and hopes. She also hears the sound of the wind in the valley, carrying memories of her past life.
Esperanza wants to work because she wants to get mama out the hospital and get abuelita down to the camp
b/c it is fun
the author did not want a movie of his book
Esperanza wants a real house. A house that has stairs, a house where you can take a shower without telling anyone, ect
Esperanza wanted Miguel to take her to the foothills because it held sentimental value to her, as it was where she used to go with her parents to pick wild poppies. She wanted to revisit those memories and find solace in nature after experiencing a difficult time in her life.
That the earth there is Dead and unfamiler to Mexico
Esperanza communicates her deep connection to the valley by telling Papa she can hear the heartbeats of the plants as she walks through the vineyard. She explains that the sounds make her feel at peace and happy, reinforcing her strong bond to the land. This revelation helps Papa understand just how much Esperanza values the valley and the life they have built there.
She didn't want to go because Marta was always talking about strikes.
Esperanza's Tio burned down Esperanza's home