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The connection lies in Atticus's commitment to justice and his moral responsibility. In both situations, he must set aside personal fears and doubts to do what is right. Shooting the mad dog requires physical skill, while defending Tom Robinson demands moral courage and a strong belief in equality and fairness. Ultimately, both tasks showcase Atticus's integrity and his willingness to stand up for what is just.

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Q: What connection might there between what is required of atticus to shoot the mad dog and whag is required of him to defend tom Robinson?
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What connection might there be between what is required of atticus to shoot the mad dog and what is required of him to defend tom Robinson?

The connection lies in Atticus's sense of duty and courage. He demonstrates his marksmanship skills in shooting the mad dog to protect his community from harm, much like how he defends Tom Robinson to uphold justice and fairness in the face of racism and prejudice. Both instances showcase Atticus's willingness to face difficult challenges and stand up for what is right, even when the odds are against him.

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